About us

The Secular Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary was founded in 1926 in Schoenstatt, Germany by Father Joseph Kentenich. We are a part of the international Schoenstatt Work and are committed to shaping the cultures of the 3rd millennium in a Christian way from within.

Being a member of a secular institute means making God's love tangible in the middle of the world. That is why we do not live in seclusion, but in the world - and for the world. We work in educational, social, medical, pastoral, artistic and charitable areas. In this, Mary is our great role model; she, who was filled with God's spirit like no other person and lived for him.

"We want to show by our lives that God is alive and that He loves everyone."

J. Kentenich

From the beginning, our most important task has been our commitment to the Schoenstatt Movement. We accompany married couples and want to contribute so that they can live their relationship with joy from the Sacrament of Matrimony and give their children positive basic human and religious experiences. We stand by women and mothers and seek with them ways in which they can use their strengths as women to enrich their families, the Church and society. The goal of our youth work is to strengthen the joy of being a girl or a woman and to give suggestions for the development of personality and the Christian shaping of life.


Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary
Josef-Kentenich-Strasse 2
CH-8883 Quarten
Phone +41 (0)81 511 02 60
